Count down to Silverrudder Challenge:
until Silverrudder Friday 19. Sept. 2025
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You are here: The Challenge > Sailing Instructions


SILVERRUDDERTM Challenge of The Sea 2025

1. Organizing Authority
SILVERRUDDER / Svendborg Amatør Sejlklub, Færgevej 19, 5700 Svendborg, Denmark

The Pre-start briefing will be held in English at the Meeting Point on Thursday
September at 17.30 hours.

The course is governed by the statutes and safety regulations for SILVERRUDDERTM
Challenge as well as the International Regulations to Prevent Collision at Sea (COLREGS)
including the special regulations for navigation in certain Danish waters. All traffic
separation systems must be respected in accordance with Rule 10 of COLREGS.
Contravention of these rules will result in a penalty or disqualification at the discretion
of the jury.
Participants are requested to pay attention to commercial traffic as well as to other
participants in the race.
Extra care should be paid during starts, close quarters situations and during nighttime.

Engines and generators etc. that can be mistaken with the use of engines must be
stopped no later than when entering the starting zone and until passing the finishing line
upon completion of the race. Any boat with its engines running in the starting zone will
be disqualified or penalized, unless proven that the engine was used to avoid imminent
Engines may also be used to assist a person or boat in distress.
Paddles and oars may not be used at any time from entering the starting zone and until
passing the finishing lone upon completion of the race.
Immediately after rendering assistance, the incident must be reported by telephone to
the Safety Committee on +45/30690951 or +45/30894783.
No later than 1 hour after passing the finishing line, the incident must also be reported on
a ‘use of engine’ form available at the bureau at the Meeting Point.

Participating boats must be equipped with fixed statutory navigation lights in accordance
with the International Rules for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREGS). Boats of less than
7 meters in length shall however have fixed navigation lights as required for boats of 7
meters or more in length as per COLREGS.
Strobe light may only be used in Distress situations.
Vessels failing to display navigations lights in accordance with COLREGS will be disqualified.
Emergency navigation lights may be used IF fixed navigational lights fail.
Participants whose lights fail during the race must immediately withdraw from the race
notifying the Safety Committee on +45/30690951 or +45/30894783.

SILVERRUDDER safety committee has the right to reject any boat deemed unfit for the race.
Boats must have a Ballast/Displacement ratio of 22% or more to compete. Skippers may not
use trapezes to maintain thair boat in upright position.

Changes to Notice of Race and information to participants will be displayed on the official
Information Board at the Meeting Point no later than Friday September at 07.00. Any
critical information regarding starts will be announced on VHF channel 72.

The course is around the island of Funen. The sailing direction will be announced at the
pre-start briefing on Thursday September and subsequently posted on the Information
Board at the Meeting Point. Except for starting and finishing buoys, no other marks must
be respected as part of the SILVERRUDDER course. The Starting line and Finishing line are
located between Christiansminde and Vindebyøre.

The starting line is between a yellow buoy attached to a hut on shore at Christiansminde
and a yellow buoy on the opposite side.

The finishing line is the same as the starting line.

When a red flag is displayed, Funen must be kept on the port side; when a green flag is
displayed, Funen must be kept  on the starboard side.

The course will not be shortened.

The signal station is located on the starting hut on shore at Christiansminde.

Start date Friday September. All times are local time CET.
There will be a countdown on VHF channel 72 from 10 seconds before the start.
The above applies to all starts. In case of discrepancy between the VHF information and
the starting flags, the flags shall apply. Each start notified on VHF channel 72 
10 minutes before start.

  1. start: Keelboats Mini
    09.54 -  Attention signal. 1 long sound
    09.55 – Warning signal: Display of pennant 1 + 1 sound
    09.56 – Preparatory signal: Display of signal flag P + 1 sound
    09.59 – One minute signal: Signal flag P is lowered + 1 long sound
    10.00 – Start: Pennant 1 is lowered + 1 sound
  1. start: Keelboats Small
    10.24 -  Attention signal. 1 long sound
    10.25 – Warning signal: Display of pennant 2 + 1 sound
    10.26 – Preparatory signal: Display of signal flag P + 1 sound
    10.29 – One minute signal : Signal flag P is lowered + 1 long sound
    10.30 – Start: Pennant 2 is lowered + 1 sound
  1. start: Keelboat Medium 
    10.54 -  Attention signal. 1 long sound
    10.55 – Warning signal: Display of pennant 3 + 1 sound
    10.56 – Preparatory signal: Display of Signal flag P + 1 sound
    10.59 - One minute signal: Signal flag P is lowered + 1 long sound
    11.00 – Start: Pennant  3 is lowered + 1 sound.
  1. start : Keelboats Large
    11.24 -  Attention signal. 1 long sound
    11.25 – Warning signal: Display of pennant 4 + 1 sound
    11.26 – Preparatory signal: Display of signal flag P + 1 sound
    11.29 – One minute signal : Signal flag P is lowered + 1 long sound
    11.30 – Start: Pennant 4 is lowered + 1 sound
  1. start: Keelboats Extra Large
    11.54 -  Attention signal. 1 long sound
    11.55 – Warning signal: Display of pennant 5 + 1 sound
    11.56 – Preparatory signal: Display of Signal flag P + 1 sound
    11.59 – One minute signal: Signal flag P is lowered + 1 long sound
    12.00 – Start: Pennant 5 is lowered + 1 sound
  1. start: Multihull Small
    12.24 - Attention signal. 1 long soundbr
    12.25 – Warning signal: Display of pennant 6 + 1 sound
    12.26 – Preparatory signal: Display of Signal flag P + 1 sound
    12.29 – One minute signal: Signal flag P is lowered + 1 long sound
    12.30 – Start: Pennant 6 is lowered + 1 sound
  1. start: Multihull Large
    12.54 - Attention signal. 1 long sound
    12.55 – Warning signal: Display of pennant 7 + 1 sound
    12.56 – Preparatory signal: Display of Signal flag P + 1 sound
    12.59 – One minute signal: Signal flag P is lowered + 1 long sound
    13.00 – Start: Pennant 7 is lowered + 1 sound


Boats that have not passed the starting line 60 minutes following the last start signal will be
considered as NOT STARTET.

It will appear from the list of participants to which start each boat has been allocated.
If the number of participants in any start exceeds a safe number, the Race Committee has the
right to split the start into two or more starts within the same category 

Before the starting signal of a start, the race committee may postpone all remaining starts
Flag AP will be displayed along with 2 sound signals. The postponement will be
announced on VHF channel 72. Flag AP will be displayed ashore, and can be accompanied with a
numeral pennant indicating the minimum duration of the postponement in hours. 

End of postponement: When AP is lowered along with a sound signal, there will be 6 minutes to
the warning signal indicating the next start. The end of postponement will be announced on VHF
channel 72. 

If a postponement is executed in the morning prior to commencement of the SILVERRUDDERTM
Challenge, AP over a numeral pennant will be displayed at the Svendborg Harbour Master’s office,
indicating the minimum duration of the postponement in hours.
When postponement has ended, boats will be started in the same order as described in point 

There will be no recalls and there will be no restarts. If any part of a boat’s hull, crew or equipment
is on the course side of the starting line at her starting signal, she will be penalized by a minimum
of 30 minutes. A boat may not attempt to restart by returning to the starting line.

Time limit for completion of the race at Sunday September 2025 at 12.00.

All protests must comply with Rule 61 of the 2021-2024 edition of the World Sailing’s
Rules. Protest forms must be handed in at the Bureau at the Meeting Point no later than
one hour after finishing the race. Insofar as possible, protesting boats must hail ´PROTEST´
and fly a red protest flag from the moment they consider an offence to have occured until
reaching Svendbog Harbour. Protests not complying with this requirement will also be
heard and ruled by the protest committee.
All protest hearings will be announced on the Notice Board in the Meeting Point. Protest
hearings will take place no later than one hour before the prize giving ceremony.
Protest forms must be completed in all cases where physical contact between boats
occurs and in cases of damage to property.
Discretionary penalty or disqualification. The Protest Committee has the power
of attorney to handle all protests in accordance with these Sailing Instructions, Statutes
and commond practice of protest hearings.
The penalty for breach of a rule may, at the discretion of the protest committee, be less
than disqualification unless specifically started  otherwise in these Sailing Instructions or
All parties involved in a protest must be available at the Meeting Point or reachable by
phone. Protests can be cancelled in all situations where the involved parties are not
reachable at the discretion of the Protest Committee.
The decision on the Protest Committee is final and cannot be appealed to other administrative

Participants in the SILVERRUDDERTM Challenge are obliged to render all possible assistance to any
person or vessel in danger or distress. If such assistance is rendered during the race, redress can
be applied in accordance with Rule 62 of the 2021-2024 edition of the World Sailing's Rules.
Redress will only be given, if it can be proven that the final result in the SILVERRUDDERTM
Challenge has been affected, solely by the assistance rendered.
An application for redress must be made in writing describing the incident for which redress is
being applied for. The application must be handed in at the Meeting Point within the time frame
for protests.

Upon receipt of a tracking system and start number, the participant declares that all statutory
safety equipment on board fulfills the Statutes governing this race.
Participants MUST wear a CE or SOLAS approved lifejacket or buoyancy throughout the race.
The Safety Committee will undertake random checks of participating boats from 09.00 on the day
before the start and again after the race.
All participating boats must be available for random safety inspection in Svendborg Harbour
no later than Thursday September 17.00

A boat that withdraws from the race or in any other way suspends the race is obliged to report
this to the Safety Committee on +45/30690951 or +45/30894783 as SOON as possible.
Participants may seek port in order to carry out unassisted repairs or rest.  A boat staying in port in
excess of 6 hours is considered having withdrawn from the race unless explicit permission has
been given by the SILVERRUDDER Team to remain in port for a longer duration.
No external assistance whatsoever is allowed during stay in port.

Eight trophies are awarded and allocated to the categories below. All measurements
are in feet (1 feet = 0,3048m) according to hull length as per Equipment
Rules of Sailing for 2021-2024 World Sailing definition.

Keelboat mini:                             From 18.00 to 25.00 feet incl.
Keelboat small:                            From 25.01 to 30.00 feet incl.
Keelboat medium:                        From 30.01 to 35.00 feet incl.
Keelboat large:                            From 35.01 to 40.00 feet incl.
Keelboat extra large:                    From 40.01 feet upwards
Multihull small:                             From 18.00 to 28.00 feet incl.
Multihull large:                             From 28.01 upwards
Perpetual Rookie prize for the fastest rookie in the Small Keelboat class.

The award ceremony will be held at the Meeting Point and take place Sunday September
at 13.00 hours. 

The participant confirms by his/her signature at the registration, that participation in SILVERRUDDER
Challenge 2025 is entirely at their own risk. Svendborg Amatør Sejlklub can in no way, whatsoever
be held liable for any personal injury, for any damage to material, nor for death arising as a
consequence of any accidental event before, during or after the race.

Each participating boat must have a valid third-party liability insurance.
NOTE: Proof of cover must be shown upon safety check.


All participants in Silverrudder will be equipped with a tracking device which must be mounted
on the backstay of the boat during the entire race.
The tracker is already switched on when it is handed out and may not be switched off by the
participant. The tracker reports the boat's position every minute during the race. When
the boat approaches the finish line, the position is reported every third second.
The race can be tracked in the TracTrac app (iOS and Android) and in web-browser. In the app, the
participating boats are divided into separate boat categories.
The tracking is also used to calculate intermediate times at a number of passage points that are passed
along the way on the voyage around Funen.
Correspondingly, the tracker is used to estimate a preliminary finish line passing time. These
not the final and official finishing times. The actual sailing time is the time recorded by the
in the starting/finishing hut ashore. The time will be made public on the Silverrudder website
continuously as boats 
cross the finish line.  

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